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  • It’s one thing to be a startup founder with a great idea. It’s another thing entirely to know how to carry a conversation on cap tables, liquidation preferences, and building out a company’s org chart.

    - Biz Carson, Business Insider

  • “Why don’t VCs just say exactly what they want?” he pondered. It was perfectly clear to me what they wanted I told him –“I speak VC”. We shared a moment discussing just how hard it must be for an entrepreneur to go through this process who doesn’t yet speak VC.

    - Jenny Lefcourt, Forbes

  • The environment in Silicon Valley is far different from the other hubs such as NYC, Berlin, Chicago and others. You need to speak the language and it is scary for an investor if you don’t.

    - Joanne Wilson, Gotham Gal

  • For those scrappy startup founders who have hit on an idea — but aren’t totally speaking fluent startup — there’s a new term being tossed around: “off-the-grid entrepreneurs.”

    - Biz Carson, Business Insider

Order your own set of Startup Jargon Flashcards

Learn startup jargon quickly & easily

Impress VCs with your knowledge & get your project funded!

Thousands of entrepreneurs flock to Silicon Valley every year, trying to get their projects funded. While many come with great ideas, loads of passion, and stellar skills, they often have difficulty cracking the unique language used by the power players in town.
When it comes to startup fundraising, knowing the lingo is important. It says you’ve done your homework, you understand the way VCs work, and that you’ll be easy for them to deal with.
We’ve created a simple, effective, and fun way to quickly learn the startup jargon that will help get you funded: Startup Jargon Flashcards. These flashcards will get you up to speed on the “geek speak” words that every startup founder needs to know, with detailed definitions. These digital flashcards contain all 646 words from Valley Speak. These cards can be accessed through the Quizlet app, so you can take advantage of the app’s learning games and quizzes that will help you master the terms quickly!

Based on the book…

Do you “speak VC?” Well, when we first moved to Silicon Valley many of the terms we heard sounded like a foreign language! In the years since, we’ve not only learned the local lingo but have also spent a great deal of time dissecting it.
Valley Speak: Deciphering the Jargon of Silicon Valley was published in May 2016 after being successfully funded on Kickstarter. Since then, the book has made headlines around the world. Articles in the The Wall Street JournalTimeThe Hollywood ReporterForbes, Business Insider, front page of The San Jose Mercury News and many more!